We continue to believe what God spoke about building a Temple for the Lord. We have believed that it is time to act and walk believing in this Word to widen the stakes of our church.
After a time of change and much growth in which God has been faithful, the time has come to materialize our great Temple that we will build for our God. Like the people of Israel in the times of Moses (Exodus 36:5) and in the times of David (1 Chronicles 29:6-9), we need each one of you to achieve the purchase of the land and the construction of the edifice.
“And the house that I am going to build will be great; For our God is great, greater than all gods.” 2 Chronicles 2:5
This will be spacious for all members to enjoy and reach out to others in this city and neighboring cities. With your generous support, we can make sure it becomes a reality.
Among all we will see this finished work.
“The people rejoiced at the offerings, because they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord” 1 Chronicles 29:9
You can make your donations online (electronically), in cash at the church, or by check payable to Casa de Adoración Jesús el Libertador by sending it to the following address:
PO Box 10565, Killeen Texas 76547
Thank you for your contributions and for being part of the great family of
House of Worship Jesus Christ the Liberator.
Pastors Eduardo and Jenifer Peraza
We are a non-profit organization, therefore your contribution is deductible from your federal taxes.